SEE THE QUALITY AND STYLE Before and After Gallery SEE THE QUALITY AND STYLE Before and After Gallery COTTAGE SHINGLE | METAL ROOF This unique offset, multi-grooved, metal roof shingle creates a classic cottage look with all the safety and energy efficient benefits of a metal roof. Schedule Your Free Quote Today PINE-CREST SHAKE | METAL ROOF Engineered to replicate hand-split wood shake, this Fisher Construction Metal Roof protects your home with the durability only steel can provide. SEE OTHER POPULAR METAL ROOFING STYLES COTTAGE SHINGLE | METAL ROOF Engineered to replicate hand-split wood shake, this Fisher Construction Metal Roof protects your home with the durability only steel can provide. LEARN ABOUT ROOFING OPTIONS COTTAGE SHINGLE | METAL ROOF The long term protection and strength of a metal roof with the beauty and style of wood shingles. SCHEDULE YOUR FREE ESTIMATE TODAY PINE-CREST SHAKE | METAL ROOF Show off your style with the look of wood and the strength of metal from Fisher Construction. LEARN MORE ABOUT METAL ROOFING GRANITE RIDGE SHINGLE | METAL ROOF A wide variety of styles and colors to accent your house and your style – all with the safety of an Fisher Construction Metal Roof. SCHEDULE A DESIGN CONSULTATION TODAY BARREL-VAULT TILE | METAL ROOF The traditional look of High-Barrel Spanish clay tile that enhances your home’s curb appeal. SCHEDULE YOUR FREE ESTIMATE TODAY